Uganda motorcycle off-road adventure


To the heart of Africa!

Explore Uganda on a motorcycle!

Riding a motorcycle through a National Park and enjoy wild-life? Yes, in Uganda this is possible and that is what you will experience during this allroad tour.

A true adventure where we will explore the north-eastern mountain range along the border with Kenya, ride through National Parks with wild-life and even camp out in the bush.

We'll be staying over in (basic) safari-lodges and guesthouses with a decent bed and food. But camping along the shore of Lake Albert and making our own meal while surrounded by wild-life is also part of the plan. It will be a night to remember!

An awesome mix of trail riding, culture and safari.
as far as I can see it is quite impossible to achieve this tour by any other means - this is unique!"

~ Philip Ashton-Jones (UK) / Uganda 2022


We have our back covered by a support vehicle that brings our luggage and a mechanic as well.

If you wish, you can extend your stay and make a trekking to the 'Silverback' gorillas in the jungles of southern Uganda.

If this sounds exiting, you are more than welcome to join!

Download the brochure (PDF) for more detailed information. Uganda tour:

  • Game drive through Kidepo and Murchison National Park.
  • Wild river rafting on the Nile (included).
  • Lots of off-road riding!
  • Overnight in a Rhino sanctuary
  • Lots of local culture
  • Silverback Mountain Gorillas trekking (optional).


Download (see section travel information) the brochure (PDF) for more detailed information >>>

Travel information

UGANDA - Extreme East
  • Date
  • Availability
  • 8 Feb - 19 Feb 2025
  • 1 place(s) left



  • Motorcycle tour
  • Days
  • Date
  • Availability